Sunday 3 May 2015


This project, to me, has been the most enjoyable out of all that we have done this year. This is because of the fact that the brief was open and broad and so I felt as if I was able to create any type of look that I wanted as long as it conformed to one of the tv shows listed, many of which I have watched. This is also an element as to why I found this so enjoyable; I enjoy ‘gothic’, dark tv shows and being able to create and form my own characters using elements from this made me really motivated and excited to create something I was proud of and made me strive to make more of an effort in all elements like photography and styling and not just makeup. I appreciated the fact we were able to be independent when creating these looks, for example not having set times for photography but being able to take the photos when we had everything ready and organised. However I feel as if I could have used more of the techniques that we have learned during this unit on my looks, however the SFX makeup I would have liked to use was not available to me due to financial constraints and so I had to make the looks with the makeup that I had. However I know what I would have used in order to make the looks better and use the techniques we learned, such using gelatine on the face to make Claudia look more rough and ill, and so I hope that this is some thing I will be able to experiment a lot more with in second year. 

Claudia Photoshoot

Prior to the shoot:

I placed grey shadows around the neck and collar bones to make this area look translucent and make the bones protrude more.

My favourite photos from the shoot (Unedited):

Photos shot in my flat kitchen with the aid of a photography light and umbrella.

Mrs Laderman Photoshoot

Prior to the shoot:

I decided to make the nails look dirty to create an added essence of realism to the look.

My favourite photos from the shoot (Unedited):

Props for Claudia

I have purchased this patch and will place it on a beer bottle so that it looks as if Claudia is drinking 'Tru Blood'.

I will use this face blood to place on her face, making her look ravenous and not caring whether the blood goes over her face. 

Clothing and props for Mrs Laderman

A selection of rings I have that will be suitable for a 'gypsy' look

Some patterned trousers I own that I also think will be suitable for this look- which will also cut costs

A small crystal ball I bought off of Amazon 

A white gypsy top that I bought in Primark

A gypsy looking bandana I bought from a charity shop

Consultation notes for Ellie (Claudia)

Consultation notes for Sylwia (Mrs Laderman)