Saturday 14 March 2015

Evaluation of the Project

This project has been very educational for me. Not only in makeup and hair but in the practices that make one a makeup artist, particularly through this continuity module. I faced many problems when it came to creating designs for the characters of Miss Havisham and Estella as my partner has quite short hair and I found that this proved difficult as all of the hairstyles I had come across featured extremely long hair with elaborate designs. However I overcame this by discovering that curling all of the hair at the back provides volume and thickness, meaning I was able to create hairstyles utilising this (after much practice). When it came to researching what would be appropriate for each character, it was useful writing down descriptions of Miss Havisham and Estella from the book so the looks could be accurate in the literary perspective. But watching renditions of Great Expectations was also helpful in order to derive inspiration from what other artists interpreted from the book and their creations for both characters. I found the brief a lot easier than the Elizabethan brief as it was focused on television, film and partially theatre and so our learning and my personal practices were solely focused on the realism of the makeup rather than how to adapt it to fashion like the last brief. Moreover, I had not had much practice in ageing and special effects makeup and so this motivated me to practice more as I also really enjoyed this aspect of makeup. 

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