Saturday 28 March 2015

My Second Character: Claudia

This is my idea for Claudia. At this point, Claudia has watched the movie 'Jennifer's Body', and has adopted some of the main character 'Jennifer Check's attributes temporarily as she was fond of her and her fearlessness. She is at Jennifer's stage where she has no blood or flesh to feed on and so is weak and ill, therefore Claudia has tired, red eyes, translucent skin and dry, cracked lips. She will be given 'Tru Blood' to drink (the fake blood alternative for vampires in True Blood so they do not have to feed off of humans) by Mrs Laderman who is going along with the fact that Claudia believes she needs this, in order to please her. This also enables Claudia to fit well into the series of True Blood because she will have these vampire-like qualities. I intend her outfit to be simple and quite preppy, for example low rise jeans and a casual vest as the characters in True Blood do not really focus on their fashion and it is stereotypical of areas in the deep south to not follow trends and wear plain clothes. 

Key word

White Rose is my key word for Claudia. I chose this because it signifies neutrality; its appearance can be changed by a single splash of colour, like a horror movie can completely change the demeanour, appearance and personality of Claudia. At times she may appear innocent and angelic especially to Mrs Laderman, but this can quickly change. 

Moodboard and colour palette

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