Saturday 28 March 2015

My First Character: Mrs Laderman

My idea is that Mrs Laderman will be a mystical gypsy woman who is also a shapeshifter like the character 'Sam' which enables her to appear as all of the neighbours that Claudia meets, therefore she had Claudia to herself and is taking advantage of her magic, much like the character of 'Maryann' does to 'Tara'. This means that she fits into the fantasy theme that True Blood uses. The southern setting and secluded town means that she looks quite different to everyone else, however people are becoming used to weird events and strange people: she is normal compared to the fact humans now knowingly live among vampires. 

I will need to utilise props and styling to make her character believable, and this will appeal to audiences because due to magic she won't look as old as she actually is, and she is also interesting, colourful and elaborate. I may also make her nails dirty in order to reinforce the fact that she lives in the south where there is dust and dirt and she is not 'prim' or 'proper'. 

Key word

Awakening is my key word for Mrs Laderman. This is because she will have a crystal ball and practice black magic, awakening good and bad spirits. I also chose to signify this through makeup and so I intend to make it look as if she has eyes on her eyelids. Her colourfulness provides an awakening for the eyes of the audience. I imagined her stereotypical settings to be in a dark room filled with trinkets, or in a secluded forest where she can practice magic. In terms of styling, she will be dressed like a mystical gypsy woman with a bandana on her head, hooped earrings, a patterned skirt with lots of jewellery. 

Moodboard and colour palette

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